Nakia White » Our Virtual LAMPS!

Our Virtual LAMPS!

Hello Virtual Families!

This is a clarification of  the CVA LAMPS expectations and process.  Each week, students will have access to daily LAMPS (library, art, music, PE, and guidance) activities.  Students are to work on the activities during their designated LAMPS time or whenever they have extra time to complete them.  Students do not turn in the daily/weekly assignments, nor is attendance recorded.  Instead, all they have to do is complete the attached LAMPS log and submit it to their Homeroom Teacher in SeeSaw by the end of each quarter.  Students will simply reflect on ONE art activity, ONE PE activity, and ONE music activity they completed during the entire quarter and complete the LAMPS log as such.  Students will receive full participation credit for submitting the completed log and an N if no log (or incomplete log) is submitted.  LAMPS participation grades will be entered in PowerSchool at the end of the quarter.  In the event your child is unable to complete all daily/weekly LAMPS activities, that is ok as long as they submit the completed log by the given deadline.  The goal is to give the CVA students the opportunity to participate in LAMPS activities just like the in-person students, while making the process for receiving full credit for participation as easy as possible. Students may access a scheduled virtual LAMPS class from 2:45-3:30. Please click the links below for access to schedule and LAMPS activities.





Monday: Library


Tuesday:  Art


Wednesday:  Music


Thursday:  Physical Education


Friday:  Guidance








Some alternate activities for: